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PostFix with Gmail Delay App Password

Source: Bard

If you don’t see the app password section in 2-step verification, there could be a few reasons why:

1. Less Secure Apps option is enabled:

If you have the “Less secure apps” option enabled in your Google account settings, you won’t need to create app passwords. Instead, you can use your regular Gmail password with Postfix.

To check if this option is enabled:

If it is turned ON, you can proceed using your regular Gmail password with Postfix.

2. Google recently updated 2-step verification:

On June 15, 2023, Google disabled the “Less secure apps” option for all accounts. This means that you will need to create an app password for any third-party application that requires access to your Google account, including Postfix.

To create an app password:

3. You are using a G Suite account:

If you are using a G Suite account, the app password section might be located in a different place. You can contact your G Suite administrator for assistance with creating app passwords.

4. Browser issues:

In some rare cases, browser issues might prevent you from seeing all sections in the 2-step verification settings. Try clearing your browser cache and cookies, or using a different browser to access the settings.

Additional Tips:

  • If you are still having trouble finding the app password section, you can search for “create app password google” on a search engine. This will lead you to the official Google support page with instructions.
  • You can also contact Google support for further assistance.

I hope this information helps!

Configuring Postfix with App Password

To configure Postfix with an app password, you need to enable SASL authentication and configure the necessary parameters in your file. Here’s a sample configuration:

1. Enable SASL Authentication:

In your file, add or uncomment the following lines:

smtp_use_tls = yes
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous

2. Create the SASL Password File:

Create a file named sasl_passwd in the /etc/postfix directory. This file will store your app passwords in a hash format.


3. Set Access Permissions:

Make sure only authorized users can access the password file:

sudo postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
sudo chown root:root /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
sudo chmod 0600 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

4. Configure Relayhost and Other Options:

Replace the following values in your file according to your needs:

relayhost = []:submission
mynetworks =
sender_dependent_relayhost_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_maps

5. Create Relay Map (Optional):

This is optional if you want to specify different relay hosts for different senders. Create a file named relay_maps in the /etc/postfix directory and add entries for your users:   smtp:[]:submission

6. Reload Postfix:

After making any configuration changes, reload Postfix to apply them:

sudo postfix reload

7. Verify Configuration:

Use postconf -n to verify the configuration settings and ensure everything is correct.

Note: This is a basic configuration example. You might need to adjust it depending on your specific setup and security requirements. Make sure to refer to the official Postfix documentation for more detailed information and advanced configurations.

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To disable Service auto start from Raspberry PI

Source: Bing Chat with GPT-4

To prevent services from starting during boot on your Raspberry Pi, you can disable them. One way to do this is by using the update-rc.d command. Here’s how:

  1. Open a terminal window on your Raspberry Pi.
  2. Type sudo update-rc.d -f <service-name> remove and press Enter. Replace <service-name> with the name of the service you want to disable.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each service you want to disable.

Most services do not consume processing power when they are not active. They will only take CPU time if they are active. Normally, they will be dormant waiting for an event. However, some services could do some background tasks and consume CPU cycles, in addition to the memory footprint of the software 1. Therefore, it is always safer and more robust to only start services and software you actually need 12.

I hope this helps!

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How to Install an Email Server on your Raspberry Pi? – RaspberryTips

Source: How to Install an Email Server on your Raspberry Pi? – RaspberryTips

How to Install an Email Server on your Raspberry Pi?

There are many projects that require the ability to send emails, but creating a mail server can also be a project on its own.
So, we will see the different steps of setting up an email server, be it a simple SMTP or a complete suite with webmail.

Postfix is the main service to install on Raspberry Pi to host a mail server. It’ll send and receive emails.
Then other services can be added, like Dovecot for POP/IMAP support and Roundcube can be used as webmail.

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Change number of products per row – WooCommerce Docs

Defines where ‘first’ and ‘last’ classes are applied in product archives. Please be aware that some third-party themes may be coded in a way that the snippets below have no effect on layout. In this case, we recommend you contact the theme author. Custom theme If you’re building a theme it may be useful to …

Source: Change number of products per row – WooCommerce Docs